Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I have started this blog out of frustration. If you arrived at this site than you are probably just like me. Some one that signed up for ATT GSM service way back when they just started. Life on the old ATT network back then was not very fun. All sorts of dropped calls and problems with everything from voicemail to text messaging. Because we were the pioneers of this service ATT offered to let us keep our $99 per month plan for "life". What they failed to disclose was that they would use every means possible to get us to give it up just a few short years latter. They would stop selling us phones . They would not help us with the only alternative we have, unlocked phones. They would not include us in there reindeer games when they introduced mms and high speed bandwidth. In my opinion they have defrauded us all. It is time for us to band together and fight back. We need to unite and post solutions as we discover them. We need to discuss possible class action to protect our rights. We cannot let them get away with this.